Thursday, December 27, 2007

Attendance Policy

Classic City High School has a strict attendance policy, which I uphold with all of my students and classes.

If you are unfamiliar with the policy, please read the following.

You are allowed a maximum of three absences for each mini-mester (9 weeks) of school. In the event that you miss four days in a mini-mester, you will be asked to appeal your absences in order to keep your seat in the class. If any absence is unexcused, or if you are two weeks behind the pace of the class, you will be removed from the course.

Each tardy (one to 15 minutes late) counts as 1/3 of an absence. If you are 15 minutes or more late from class, OR if you leave the class for a break in excess of 15 minutes, you will be counted absent.

Here are my guidelines for making up absences.

I realize sometimes you are unable to control certain absences from school. If you are responsible with your attendance, I can make some acceptions to the attendance guideline.

I do allow you to make up an absence IF your absence fits the following criteria:

1. You or a family member you care for are/is ill.
2. You have transportation problems.
3. Extenuating circumstances.

If your absence fits one of these categories, you may make up the absence by doing the following:
1. You must call or email me prior to the start of class and explain your absence.
2. Agree to attend night school during the same school week. Wednesday and Thursday absences must be made up by the following Tuesday.

Administrative absences, hallway wandering and tardies are not eligible to be made up during night school.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Unit 3 Reflection Question

Everyone has witnessed someone using inappropriate body language, even though sometimes the person was unaware. This could include standing too closely, using an inappropriate inflection in his/her voice or looking off into space while you were trying to speak to him/her.

Give an example of a time this has happened to you and what you did or said to the other person. Describe the behavior and explain why it made you uncomfortable, but no names please. :)

Unit Two Reflective Question

Do you believe you should boycott businesses that use unethical practices? Name a business practice that you personally believe is wrong. Would you stop using your favorite product if you found out the company engaged in this practice? Why or why not?

Unit One Reflection Question:

Each unit, you will be asked to respond to a reflection question. Each response should be approximately 150 words. Always be thorough, descriptive and use proper grammar and punctuation.

Unit One Question:

Describe to your classmates how you would behave on an interiew. Explain how you would dress, the oral language and body language you would use as well as anything you would bring with you. Also, include a minimum of three things you will not do in an interview.

Unit Five Question

You will be beginning your own business in class for project 2.

We will be pretending that I am a loan officer at a bank. I will ask to see a portfolio of everything you anticipate happening in the first year of your business. If you show a great presentation that convinces me there is a need for your business, your loan will be approved. You can apply for anywhere from $0-$200,000. But remember, loans include interest, so don't overspend!

For your unit reflection, please write a brief description to your classmates of what your business is called, where you will locate it and what services, products or goods you will offer. (150 words +).

Additionally, write a list of 10 items you will need before you begin your business. Do not use the same list in the brainstorm available (although there can be some small overlap).

After this is completed, you may move on to begin your project. Please look at the samples given through the "important documents" link that will help you as you work.

Good luck!

Unit Four Question

How do you feel about deductions from your paycheck? How do you think you would feel if there were no more deductions, but also no services that your taxes pay for?

Be descriptive and write about 150 words.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Unit Two Project

Okay, I know projects aren't your favorite thing, but this should interest you at least a little. Think about a company that interests you. Try to have several brainstormed in advance so you have a selection in case one doesn't pan out. We are going to be digging up the dirt on one of your businesses!

We have discussed unethical behaviors in the workplace. A short (but incomplete) list includes:

Personal behaviors:

lying to coworkers or customers
logging in inaccurate time/hours
giving away free or discounted products without permission
taking bribes to give more work


stealing money from investors
lying about how much money they make
using sweatshops for cheap labor
not providing safe work environments
using animal products without providing safe, humane treatment
insider trading (selling stock with illegal information about its future)
ignoring government regulations on environmental protection

Use this list along with the web site for ideas. Check out the requirements under "important documents"

Business Ethics Question #2

Respond in about 100-150 words.

Ted works as a real estate agent for commission. This means he earns six percent of whatever he sells. However, if he does not sell anything, he will not earn a paycheck. Lately, his sales have gone down considerably. Now, he is having trouble paying off some of his bills.

One of the houses he has for sale is in a dangerous neighborhood. Recently, the house next door was broken into, and the police have been called out frequently by other residents on the block.
If Ted sells this house, he will earn $8,000.

He receives a phone call about a woman interested in seeing the home. She is new to town, has a small child, and asks Ted if this is a nice place to live. What should he tell her and why?

Business Ethics Question

Here is a discussion question for our second unit. Think carefully about your response, and answer in approximately 200 words.

Imagine you are at work, where you are coworkers with one of your best friends. Your friend is going to be 15 minutes late for work that day. He had to take his sister to the doctor, and is running late. He has already been perpetually late, and your boss has threatened to fire him.

Your boss is off today, and your friend sends you a text message asking you to clock him in on time. What do you tell your friend, and why?

After writing your initial response, read others' posts and respond to one in about 75-100 words. Write a response that is well thought-out and gives specific reasoning or examples of why you feel the way you do.

Unit 2

Your second unit in Business Procedures deals with business ethics. This is also the first unit where you will have one of your major projects for the course.

This unit asks difficult questions about ethical and unethical behaviors at work, and the gray area in between. Additionally, it will enhance our understanding of communication in business, as it will be up to you to communicate an often difficult idea or theory to the rest of the class, using the communication techniques we have already learned and continue to learn.

Your ethics project will be researched, properly cited and presented using a Power Point. More info on that to come!

Here are the standards we seek to meet. Don't forget to rewrite them on your blog in your own words. After completing unit 2, express in a short narrative how you feel you met these standards.

BCS-BCP-2. Students will understand the nature of and practice oral
communication by communicating in a clear, courteous, concise, and appropriate

BCS-BCP-3. Students will listen discriminately and respond appropriately to oral

BCS-BCP-4. Students will locate, assess, and use information from a variety of
print and online sources.

BCS-BCP-5. Students will read and analyze for content, interpretation, and

a. Apply reading skills to identify and analyze the situation, purpose, and audience
when reading print and online material.
b. Use context clues to recognize word meaning.
c. Select appropriate reading method for a particular situation, e.g. skimming,
scanning, speed reading, and in-depth reading.
d. Distinguish between literal and inferential statements.
e. Discuss print and online persuasive information and its impact on decision
f. Interpret technical/business correspondence, professional articles, and
supporting graphic materials.
g. Interpret and use information from manuals, computer printouts, and electronic
h. Analyze and synthesize information from print and electronic sources to create a
group project or product.

Important message about email

To help us all communicate effectively with one another via email, I ask that each of you begin a free, specific email address.

Please visit and sign up for an email address in this exact format:

For example, This will help me in case I need to mass-mail any important information.

Also, please DO NOT submit work to my dropbox. It rarely, if ever, functions properly. Please email all work to be graded to This email address is reserved only for grading your work.

In the event that you will be tardy or absent, please remember to call or email me.

Here is my contact information:

706-353-2323 Ext. 18491

When you have finished creating your email address, please email me a confirmation at so I can create your profile.

Mrs. S.

Welcome to Class!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Business Procedures! I am posting all information that you will need to be successful in this course to this blog. I hope you will take the opportunity to accelerate your learning, as it is easily possible to complete this course in less time than the 18 weeks provided if you work deligently each day.

I am looking forward to getting to know each of you through this semester. Since you will all be working at different paces, my job will mostly be to provide you direct support with specific topics as you approach them. My classroom has several different classes in it at all times, so it is difficult, if not impossible, to do a lecture format. At times, I will address the class as a whole to discuss more complex topics, and we will also watch some videos as a class that deal with working in the modern world.

I will be posting all of your necessary materials (with the exception of some texts available on my bookshelf) including syllabus, pacing guides and projects/examples of former projects.

I encourage you to check this blog daily, from both school and home if possible, as it will be my main form of communication with you outside of the classroom.

Have a great semester everyone!

Unit One

Your first unit is on Job Acquisition (applying for and starting a new job). It covers everything from where to look for a new job to the interview and your first day. Please refer to the materials on your sidebar to download copies of the required work.

Please remember to sign into your blogs and rewrite each GPS in your own words. Then, after completing the lessons, identify which lessons meet the standards and why. If you cannot see a connection, you and I will work together to look at your tasks from another perspective.

Georgia Performance Standards we seek to meet:

BCS-BCP-7. Students will effectively demonstrate the ability to communicate
using a variety of oral and listening techniques in business and personal

BCS-BCP-8. Students will demonstrate a variety of written and oral skills in the
pursuit of employment in the communication and multimedia fields.

a. Explore and identify careers in communication and multimedia.
b. Explore job search strategies and sources for job placement.
c. Compose and produce an effective resume, application letter, and follow-up letter
for a position in a communication or multimedia field.
d. Identify and demonstrate proper job interview techniques.

****Important note:****
ALL documents that you will download will be saved to a TEMPORARLY FOLDER. You must save your work to "My Documents" for you to be able to retrieve it and turn it in. If you just hit "save" on your work, you will be unable to retrieve it for future use.
To do this, go to "save as." Then, move your curser to "my documents" and change the folder name to your last name and the name of the document.
Good luck!

Required NovaNet

During your semester, you will be required to complete several NovaNet lessons. I will check these only once, when you finish your entire class. That does not mean, however, to put it off until the last minute. I strongly recommend you select one class period a week and dedicate it to finishing your lessons. Many of these go together with your class work, (i.e. the lessons on Getting a Job, Minimum Wage and Hourly Wages go together with your Job Aquisition unit.)

I recommend doing these assignments together with the work, and will remind you verbally in class to do so. However, it is ultimately up to you to ensure all of these assignments are completed in an efficient manner.

There will be many times where NovaNet will not issue your star, because I am only requiring partial lessons. In those cases, I will be able to view how long you have stayed within a lesson, and your completion grade will be given from this time. Simply hitting enter all the way through the lesson will not give you your participation points for that lesson, so please read thoroughly.

Your required NovaNet is:

Job Study/Prep:

A: complete lesson a and the first bullet in b.
B: complete all lessons but g
C: complete all lessons
D: complete all lessons
E: complete all lessons


F: complete all lessons
G: complete all lessons
I: complete all lessons
J: complete all lessons
L: complete lessons a, b and c.