Monday, December 17, 2007

Unit One

Your first unit is on Job Acquisition (applying for and starting a new job). It covers everything from where to look for a new job to the interview and your first day. Please refer to the materials on your sidebar to download copies of the required work.

Please remember to sign into your blogs and rewrite each GPS in your own words. Then, after completing the lessons, identify which lessons meet the standards and why. If you cannot see a connection, you and I will work together to look at your tasks from another perspective.

Georgia Performance Standards we seek to meet:

BCS-BCP-7. Students will effectively demonstrate the ability to communicate
using a variety of oral and listening techniques in business and personal

BCS-BCP-8. Students will demonstrate a variety of written and oral skills in the
pursuit of employment in the communication and multimedia fields.

a. Explore and identify careers in communication and multimedia.
b. Explore job search strategies and sources for job placement.
c. Compose and produce an effective resume, application letter, and follow-up letter
for a position in a communication or multimedia field.
d. Identify and demonstrate proper job interview techniques.

****Important note:****
ALL documents that you will download will be saved to a TEMPORARLY FOLDER. You must save your work to "My Documents" for you to be able to retrieve it and turn it in. If you just hit "save" on your work, you will be unable to retrieve it for future use.
To do this, go to "save as." Then, move your curser to "my documents" and change the folder name to your last name and the name of the document.
Good luck!

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