Monday, December 17, 2007

Unit 2

Your second unit in Business Procedures deals with business ethics. This is also the first unit where you will have one of your major projects for the course.

This unit asks difficult questions about ethical and unethical behaviors at work, and the gray area in between. Additionally, it will enhance our understanding of communication in business, as it will be up to you to communicate an often difficult idea or theory to the rest of the class, using the communication techniques we have already learned and continue to learn.

Your ethics project will be researched, properly cited and presented using a Power Point. More info on that to come!

Here are the standards we seek to meet. Don't forget to rewrite them on your blog in your own words. After completing unit 2, express in a short narrative how you feel you met these standards.

BCS-BCP-2. Students will understand the nature of and practice oral
communication by communicating in a clear, courteous, concise, and appropriate

BCS-BCP-3. Students will listen discriminately and respond appropriately to oral

BCS-BCP-4. Students will locate, assess, and use information from a variety of
print and online sources.

BCS-BCP-5. Students will read and analyze for content, interpretation, and

a. Apply reading skills to identify and analyze the situation, purpose, and audience
when reading print and online material.
b. Use context clues to recognize word meaning.
c. Select appropriate reading method for a particular situation, e.g. skimming,
scanning, speed reading, and in-depth reading.
d. Distinguish between literal and inferential statements.
e. Discuss print and online persuasive information and its impact on decision
f. Interpret technical/business correspondence, professional articles, and
supporting graphic materials.
g. Interpret and use information from manuals, computer printouts, and electronic
h. Analyze and synthesize information from print and electronic sources to create a
group project or product.

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