Thursday, December 27, 2007

Attendance Policy

Classic City High School has a strict attendance policy, which I uphold with all of my students and classes.

If you are unfamiliar with the policy, please read the following.

You are allowed a maximum of three absences for each mini-mester (9 weeks) of school. In the event that you miss four days in a mini-mester, you will be asked to appeal your absences in order to keep your seat in the class. If any absence is unexcused, or if you are two weeks behind the pace of the class, you will be removed from the course.

Each tardy (one to 15 minutes late) counts as 1/3 of an absence. If you are 15 minutes or more late from class, OR if you leave the class for a break in excess of 15 minutes, you will be counted absent.

Here are my guidelines for making up absences.

I realize sometimes you are unable to control certain absences from school. If you are responsible with your attendance, I can make some acceptions to the attendance guideline.

I do allow you to make up an absence IF your absence fits the following criteria:

1. You or a family member you care for are/is ill.
2. You have transportation problems.
3. Extenuating circumstances.

If your absence fits one of these categories, you may make up the absence by doing the following:
1. You must call or email me prior to the start of class and explain your absence.
2. Agree to attend night school during the same school week. Wednesday and Thursday absences must be made up by the following Tuesday.

Administrative absences, hallway wandering and tardies are not eligible to be made up during night school.

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