Sunday, August 9, 2009

Unit 3 Info

Hi everyone,

Unit 3 really gets into the heart of what we are trying to do in Business Communications and Presentation. Questions to think about during this unit are:

How do we communicate differently in a work environment than we do at home?
How does body language change the meaning of our words?
Why should we write letters in a specific format?

Here are the Georgia Performance Standards we will meet during this unit:

BCS-BCP-1. Students will understand the nature of and practice written
communication by planning and writing documents that are appropriate for the
situation, purpose, and audience.

BCS-BCP-2. Students will understand the nature of and practice oral
communication by communicating in a clear, courteous, concise, and appropriate

BCS-BCP-8. Students will demonstrate a variety of written and oral skills in the
pursuit of employment in the communication and multimedia fields.