Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Unit Two Reflective Question

Do you believe you should boycott businesses that use unethical practices? Name a business practice that you personally believe is wrong. Would you stop using your favorite product if you found out the company engaged in this practice? Why or why not?


kscredon said...

This is the response given by Terreon. Do the rest ofUnit Two Reflective Questions

I think they should Boycott business that use unethical tactics. I looked up an article about the country Turkey buys gas from Iran. Lately they haven’t been getting any from them and now days their not getting any at all for no apparent reason. Without any explanation they have quit sending them gas. Not doing so can lead to war between the two countries most likely Iran wouldn’t want that to happen.
Depending on what product I use, I would stop using the item if I didn’t really need it. I wouldn’t think it’s fair that they are using unethical tactics but it really wouldn’t talk me into not buying the product. I Read that a lot of products are using unethical tactics but selling and people are buying them.
you agree or disagree?

Captain Jamal said...

If I needed the product that the busniess produced, then it's likely I wouldn't boycott them, unless I can find another product by a different business that doesn't use unethical tactics.

For instance, Nike...I wouldn't stop using their products. I'd replace my PLAY SHOES with New Balance shoes, but I wouldn't wear New Balance the same way I wear Nike.

Vic said...

I did my scandal paper on Nike. The way they get their shoes made is a disgrace and completely uncalled for. But still, I wear Nike shoes. Although I know what their doing, and I know it's wrong I love Nike shoes and I'm going to continue to wear them.

Jessica said...

During an interview my behavior would be sophisticated,dedicated and motivated. In my opinion, the most impotant thing to bring with you on an interview would be your resume. Everyone should go to an interview with a smile. Always use proper grammar during an interview. Your first impression is probably what is going to determine if you get the job. Always come prepared and ready. Answer all the questions as best as possible and as simple as needed.
There are all kinds of things you should know not to do during an interview. No burping,cusing,yellling,crying,or snoring.

shay lit 9 said...

during my interview i would act classy i would just be myself basically because by you trying to act like something you not that could really not make you not get the job and my resume and i would go looking nice and also corrected my grammar a little and i would have a smile on my face i would also answer every question as best as possible i would cuse,yell.scream,or talking ghetto im going to carry myself as a productive young lady.